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Title Changes

  • There are two types of title changes and they are handled differently in PANDAS depending on whether the title is a serial or an integrating title. Mono titles, by their very nature, are unable to change title so make sure the format is correct before attempting to make title changes. For serial titles a new record is created when the title changes and each title has its own persistent identifier. For integrating titles, the same record and persistent identifier is used. In both cases use the Other tab to link former and later titles.


  • NOTE: Serial titles are always linked by editing the later title. Make sure that the Format selected is Serial. If the incorrect format is selected, the wrong window will display in the History box.
  1. Search for the later title or create a new record, as appropriate
  2. Select Edit detailsfrom the menu bar
  3. In the Edit Title screen select the Other tab for the title
  4. In the History box that displays, search for the former title.
  5. When a title is found a new drop down box will appear, you may either select the title given, select one of the other titles in the drop down box or do another search.

  6. Once you have found your title click the Set button
  7. Click Save to complete.
  8. The link to the old title will now display in the History box. This link can be used to go backwards and forwards into the Title View of each title.

Integrating Titles

  • NOTE: Make sure that the Format selected is Integrating. If the incorrect format is selected, the wrong window will display in the Other tab.
  1. Search for the title to edit
  2. Select Edit detailsfrom the menu bar
  3. Change the title in the Title field to the new title.
  4. Select the Other tab
  5. In the This title was formerly known as box that displays, type in the old title (i.e. the one that you just changed):

  6. Click Set and then Save to complete. The title's TEP will have the former title added and the change in title information will be preserved on PANDAS:


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Last updated 30 July 2002

[National Library of Australia]